Appreciation Engine

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App Creation Error Messages and How to Troubleshoot

This article deals with some common errors you may have encountered while setting up a social app. Don't worry, they're easily fixable.

Key or Secret Incorrect

If you see an error message that looks like any of these:

 means your client ID and/or secret wasn’t entered correctly. Double check that you didn’t miss any characters when you copied the text and give it another try.

App Approval Needed

If you see this error (A.K.A., a blank screen!), it means you requested extra Facebook permissions and you need to get your app approved. We’ve got help here that shows you how to do this - it will take a minute.

Still Stumped?

Hey, that's OK! Send us a message by clicking the blue balloon on your AE Dashboard. We'll help you figure out what's wrong and make sure you have everything you need to get going.

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