Monday August 27th 2018
AE Connect
- Message for user to fill out form near Master Key | Jennifer Tigner
- Switch to Privacy tab when status message says it's not done yet | Jennifer Tigner
- Installation: make step 1 "domain allowlisting" | Jennifer Tigner
- Change title (browser tabs) on AE Applications Page to "AE Connect" | Mike Penhall
- UI to mark tabs as complete | Jennifer Tigner
- Hide Developer API Examples section if AE Connect is inactive | Jennifer Tigner
- Redesign for AE Connect list page | Jennifer Tigner
- Mobile optimization for AE Connect list page | Jennifer Tigner
- Bootstrap-tour for AE Connect page | Jennifer Tigner
- Spacing fix for blue activated dots on social apps | Jennifer Tigner
- WordPress installation instructions for the WP repository store (auto-install) | Jennifer Tigner
- Social app popup:
- Redesign into basic/advanced pill tabs | Jennifer Tigner
- Show advanced tab but hide contents if there's no social app permissions | Jennifer Tigner
- User notice: permissions will revert to default if they try to remove them all | Jennifer Tigner
- Ensure user's custom permissions don't have spaces/commas | Jennifer Tigner
- Turn permissions into individual tags rather than a single string | Jennifer Tigner
- Delete Partner Key redirects to social tab | Jennifer Tigner
- Fix capitalization of social app names in various places | Jennifer Tigner
- Partner Key needs email format validation | Jennifer Tigner
- Split Partner Key "add/edit" popup into pill tabs | Jennifer Tigner
- Styling for Partner Keys popup | Jennifer Tigner
- Split social app icons into groups | Jennifer Tigner
- Email social app is now unclickable: hover msg only | Jennifer Tigner
- Check duplicates when the user enters additional social app permissions | Jennifer Tigner
- ?service=facebook removed when the user closes the Social App modal | Jennifer Tigner
- reset_password checks that member_serviceID is actually email account | Jeff Mitchell
- Fixed issue where 'copy button' wasn't copying to clipboard | Jennifer Tigner
- Format checking for domains and IP addresses in AE Connect | Mike Penhall
- Show segment name in activity filters | Mike Penhall
- Replace all hard coded themes path with dynamic | Jeff Mitchell