Monday October 5 2018
- Removed brand image mosaic code | Jennifer Tigner
- Remove brand manager page | Jennifer Tigner
- Navbar: globe logo for "All Brands" to replace mosaic | Jennifer Tigner
- Navbar: change search bar to just words with Edit/Change btns underneath | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand sidebar: created sidebar to replace Brand Manager page | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand sidebar: hide search bar and sort dropdown if there's 20 brands or less | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: field labels & IDs are now unique | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: added category field | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: added how-to help links | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: added social icons to the social app field labels | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: changed overall spacing on page | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: social/streaming app sections wording changes | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: got rid of photo form field and replaced it with an upload button | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: shows image preview of logo when user uploads | before saving" | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: added in Brand Page tour | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: moved all buttons to the bottom (export/save/delete) | Jennifer Tigner
- Brand edit page: mobile optimization | Jennifer Tigner
- Corrected 'primary hashtag' activity cor Basic Social Listening | Jeff Mitchell
- Fixed bug where mobile navbar couldn't close once it was opened | Jennifer Tigner
- Corrected Brand Name null in SFMC extension | Jeff Mitchell
- Apple Music Profile Type | Jeff Mitchell
- member_register accepts apple music profile | Jeff Mitchell
- Apple Music Behavioral Analytics | Jeff Mitchell
- Create brand tracking for Apple Music | Mike Penhall
- update Spotify SFMC data extension to include new Spotify fields | Jeff Mitchell
- Allow member avatar url to accept extension
- Moved all page headers into a single file | Jennifer Tigner
- Moved the applications dropdown down into the page header | Jennifer Tigner
- Navbar: mobile optimization so nothing obstructs anything else | Jennifer Tigner
- Navbar on mobile: same styling and gray colour as fullscreen | Jennifer Tigner
- app_info call is getting wrong domain | Mike Penhall
- Partner Keys saving re-orders the Permissions | Mike Penhall
- Top 5 domains in domain dropdown | Mike Penhall
- Platform upgraded to Silverstripe 3.7 and PHP 7.1 | Jeff Mitchell
- Marketing Cloud Data Extension Updates | Jeff Mitchell
- Apple Music Data to streaming crossover | Jeff Mitchell
- Streaming crossover to include current artist | Jeff Mitchell
- Add Apple Music popup in AE Connect | Mike Penhall
- Add the new Apple Music BSL tracks | Mike Penhall
- Remove Twitter as one of the choices in the walkthrough | Jennifer Tigner
- Removing 'previous'/'next' buttons if its the first or last step | Jennifer Tigner